
'Arrest us all'

"In India, even to admit to being raped is taboo, yet dozens of Yadav's victims reported the crime. But the 32-year-old was never charged with rape. Instead, the women say, the police would tell him who had made the reports and he would come after them. According to residents, the police were hand-in-glove with Yadav: he fed the local officers bribes and drink, and they protected him."

After years of terrorizing women in his town, the rapist was set upon by a group of 200 women. After killing him in the white marble hall of the district court, the women told the police "Arrest us all" from the Guardian


Blogger Somerville Hound and Kitty Care said...

thank you for posting this--i hadn't seen it. It, strangely (or not so strangely), brings me hope. Now, if we could only mobilize with some semblamce of this strength, on a global scale....

5:33 PM  
Blogger aimeeorleans said...

hell, if we could mobilize with this strength on a global scale...i might just reconsider my whole 'not having kids' policy.

11:20 AM  

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