
damn those bisexuals!

We all know the story of Roy and Silo, two gay chinstrap penguins who shacked up together at the Central Park Zoo. They even raised a chick together (after zoo workers replaced the rock egg they had been keeping in their nest with a real one).

But alas, all good things. . .

"Silo's eye began to wander, and last spring he forsook his partner of six years at the Central Park Zoo and took up with a female from California named Scrappy. Of late, Roy has been seen alone, in a corner, staring at a wall."

But the real news folks is the hope that Roy and Silo's offspring gives to gay parents everywhere. Tango, the daughter of the pair has paired up with another young lady named Tazuni. They are one of four same-sex penguin pairs at the park. Of course, they probably moved in together too soon but that's for another day...

New Love Breaks Up a 6-Year Relationship at the Zoo - nyt
via Gawker


Blogger mp said...

credit cards
pharm companies

all is not lost.

at least we have queer penguins.

roy is a hot name.

2:11 PM  
Blogger Somerville Hound and Kitty Care said...

re: "Of late, Roy has been seen alone, in a corner, staring at a wall."

Oh my god. i have never wanted to hug a penguin so much.

12:44 PM  
Blogger LCALeasure said...

Re: They are one of four same-sex penguin pairs at the park. Of course, they probably moved in together too soon but that's for another day

do they have penguin u-hauls? penguin therapists? lesbian penguins. hooray!

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Roy!

That's all I can say. That and, wow, I love penguins now.

11:47 PM  

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