
pour myself a cup of ambition

walking through lower manhattan yesterday, listening to "9 to 5" on the earbuds, I dodged some suits on the corner and avoided the splash of water the bus I was trying to board shot up at my feet.

For a moment, as Dolly sang "It's a rich man's game and they never give you credit. . ." I felt like I was in the midst of the New York I dreamed about when I was six years old and obsessively watched that movie. I don't even think that movie was set in New York, I think it was set in Chicago, but the point stands. That working woman, fast paced, musical version of the city happened for me yesterday.

Then I got off the bus and walked one block to the Kinkos on Houston where I spotted a girl with blue bangs and an octopus tatoo. I picked up the flyers and put the earbuds back on. Suddenly I felt like I was in the midst of the punk-rock dream of the city I had when I was fifteen. I had the fliers, I was going to pick up my cmj badge, the cute kids were preening on the sidewalk.

Most of the time the city just feels like a maze based game that I have to negogiate without soiling my clothes, but yesterday it was buzzing. The crazies were out and I was not ashamed to be dancing on the platform with them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, how I used to dream of city life as a kid, and go to concerts without my parents there, and not be the only kid all punked out and hankering for city grit.

Also, I have a soft spot for Dolly Parton.

6:11 PM  
Blogger good golly said...

more on dp to come

6:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You said DP. Heh heh.

7:38 PM  

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