
relax. rescind.

I just read an interview with Ariel Levy in Bitch. I might have to revise part of my earlier statement. But not right now. I don't have time.

Today was my last day at my job. I'm not going far, actually I'm just going around the corner. In my work life that is, going around the corner to a new department and, hopefully, a less stressful first of the month. Still, today I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to mask as many of my inefficiencies as possible, filing, doign things I have put off for eons (there is that file! I declared all morning). I have anxiety about ending, but I'm not sure why.

In my real life, where I don't sit beneath the constant hum of overhead flourescents, I'm going to the real city of brotherly love, the gay are extraordinaire, San Fran for an extended long weekend. My motivations are 1. family (younger sister, near-college graduate, teacher-to-be) and 2. fun (the beach, the club, the ladies).

I hope I have as baptismal a time as body mascot did last weekend - although I hope for no heart ache.

No heart ache. No heart ache.


Blogger LZ said...

which "department" are you moving to?

4:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh! You linked me! I'm tickled, and I also wish you no heartache.

Kiss SF for me. I love it so . . .

11:55 PM  

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