
things to examine about self

propensity for hyperbole:
Almost unprecedented. Able to say "always" after singular incident. Able to construct entire mountain ranges -- craggy and perilous -- out of abandoned and slumped mole hills.

propensity for tears:
At times, endless. But at other critical junctures face goes numb, jaw locks, the stares come on. Am a really good starer. Unsure if this is an asset.

tools of motivation:
My (in)ability to motivate through self reflection. Sporadic and energetic moments pared with extreme lethargy. Some might say manic phases of work. How to achieve regular mania without becoming maniac. See: control.

Do things really drive me nuts or do I just want to be nuts? I'm not sure, but we should sweep more just to be safe. Wait. . .


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